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The work is originally based on a collection of old photos which are kept in a box, anonymous and without a clue of where they came from. This provides ample space to translate the image excerpts and assemble them to create a unique impression. Modifying a single detail of an image element changes the meaning and the scope of this impression.
We are confronted with images and information in this way on a daily basis and these can be interpreted to form one's own image, ultimately only maintaining an illusion of reality.

Minor indications, subtle accents which are mysterious and ambiguous, refer to the scene which is staged outside and between the images and whereby the invisible elements become more important than what you actually can see.
The memories and thoughts that these images evoke are consequently of essential importance for the audience that needs them to (re)create a story and fill in the empty spaces.

With their averted gaze and indifferent attitude, the characters are no more than theatrical extras and they seem too disoriented and lost in their own little world.
Their own personality is of secondary importance and deviates from what is depicted.

The relationships between the absence and presence of characters to be identified, and the concealment of insignificant aspects, create new associations and reveal several different layers of meaning.
The different fragments, sometimes with the same main characters, communicate with each other and are consequently part of a much larger story.

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